Close Quarters Combat Training (Dirty Boxing)
Dirty Boxing (or Filipino Boxing) is a devastating form of hand-to-hand combat. Locally known as Suntukan or Panantukan (depending on the area), the tradition uses almost every part of the body and is similar to Muay Thai in the fact that there are very few rules. Using elbows, knees and shins, they look similar except that Dirty Boxing focuses less on the kicks and more on the punches.
Dirty Boxing doesn’t use gloves, so as a result there are a lot more things fighters can utilize, such as fingers, palms, and knuckles. Some of the favorite tools (that are totally banned in Muay Thai but welcomed in Dirty Boxing) include headbutting, finger jabs, claws, slaps, hammer fists, thumb gouges, fish hooks, sweeps, bolo punches, clinching and all types of flying elbow and knee attacks.